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Alex Coffey

Head Ice Technician


What is your favorite sport?:  Hockey.

What is your favorite sports team? Detroit Red Wings.

What is your favorite movie? The Notebook.

Fun fact about yourself? I have 5 siblings.

If you were an animal, what would you be and why? Golden Retriever. Lots of energy and excitement when it's time to go. But when it is time to sleep, I am out.

What would be your walkout song? Don't Stop Believing.

What are three areas you manage that people should contact you for? Ice, Turnovers, Arena Maintenance.

What is your favorite thing about Ed Robson Arena? The Staff.

Alexander Coffey has been working at Ed Robson Arena since the fall of 2020. Starting as a part time Ice Tech, he moved into the position of Head Ice Technician in the fall of 2023. Alexander is responsible for creating and maintaining a professional level of ice not just for the Tigers, but for user groups of all ages. For NCAA games, he is responsible for ensuring that the playing surface and area is in compliance with NCAA and NCHC. 


Alexander grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado where he spent most of his time playing soccer, hockey, and alpine ski racing. He graduated in 2017 from Steamboat Springs High School and continued his education while pursuing soccer at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. One of Alexanders biggest passions is the Detroit Red Wings.

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